Seki gets well-used at the train station
Recently on Twitter, I asked folks to post some keywords that I could use for a new piece. The ones I chose were Seki + feet + public use + shibari. While this particular set did take me longer than usual, I'm pleased with the result, and I…

Give these ladies a yummy creamy pie!!
Fall is in full swing, and there's a frosty nip to the air. In Porte Avant, that means it's time for the annual Fall Festival, and they have their own "unique" interpretations of popular games and attractions!
Take, for instance, the pie game.…

Bramble gives sensual dick-smoochies!
Before getting down to the deep succ, Bramble warms up with some gentle kisses (much to Nalica and Seki’s delight). Judging from the other pics in the set, that’s enough to set the guy off… Dude needs more stamina…
This is only a low…

Seki’s Sperm Bank
Seki's Sperm Bank!
Time for a new animation, and this one’s a DOOZY! Where as previous animations have been 1-2 second loops, this is a full 12-seconds of hand-drawn sexiness!
Nalica and Seki are notoriously thirsty while in heat,…

Feed the Strays
Finally, I have a working PC once more! So to celebrate, I took this week off from game dev and did some good ol’ fashioned smut art!
We all know Nalica and Seki are desperate cock-gobblers, but their masters really should keep a better eye…

One lucky guy vs three THIRSTY ladies
This one's LONG overdue, but it's finally done! Featuring Lunetax's lovely dark-skinned Lyze and my girls Nalica and Seki, somebody is getting the blowjob of a lifetime!
Enjoy this low-res freebie. Site members get all 3 versions in HD, including…
Corrupted Seki plows Eleanor!
Hey folks, I'm out of town this week, but fear not! Kamina1978 has graciously provided a kickass pic, featuring corrupted Seki fucking Eleanor silly!
Become a site member to enjoy this 2-pic set uncropped, uncensored and in HD!
Jezebell samples Seki’s fruit
Nothing’s better on a hot day than slurping on some juicy, refreshing watermelon… At least, that’s what Jezebell seems to think as she and Seki experiment a bit. 😉
Enjoy this little freebie image! Become a site subscriber to get…
Feeding time for Seki
Just like her half-sister Nalica, Seki’s hormones get a little crazy once a month. And also just like Nalica, there’s only one thing that can satiate her incredible hunger… buckets of semen. Lucky for her, there always happen to be a bunch…
Nalica spends a romantic Christmas Eve with her master!
It’s the night before Christmas, and Nalica is spending it with her favorite person in the world! Just a quiet evening of holiday specials on tv, handjobs and buttplay.
Sign up to become a member and enjoy this 4-image set, complete with…