Keqing gets her pussy pampered
Too much paperwork and tasks can make even Ningguang's Yuheng a dull lady. Perhaps she'll perform with a bit more enthusiasm once Keqing gets her pussy pampered...
Luckily, Ganyu and even Morax have shown up to help do just that! And for once,…

Lutci’s urgent task
In a different universe, Queen Lutci was never a queen at all.
She ended up working a grueling 8-5 desk job, rolling her eyes at the busy-bodies gathered around the water cooler, tapping her heel while waiting for the copy machine to warm up,…

Eleanor enjoys a romantic snack at sunset…
Hey folks, just a simple pic this week. Figured I’d give you yuri-lovers out there a little tidbit for the summer.
As always, site members get this in full HD. Enjoy the beach-y goodness!

Beidou loves to grind her pussy
After having Bei in my party for weeks, I finally realized just how useful she is! Also, who doesn’t love a rough-and-tumble pirate lady?
Little did we know... After a long voyage at sea, Beidou loves to grind her pussy on a favored lady's…

Flanne’s yummy pussy
Flanne's Yummy Pussy
"That's right, just over here!" Vera said, disrobing as she coaxed the slime creature from its pool. Her shorts and belt hit the ground with a thud as various bottles and vials rolled away. Clearly Vera's gathering…

Nalica becomes the master (for a moment)
Browsing through my Discord “requests” channel, one thing that caught my eye was “smug Nalica”. That idea took root and quickly became known as Nega/Dark-Nalica. The idea is, if she is denied sexual gratification during heat or is unable…
Karen uses a stranger for her pleasure!
Today is Valentine’s Day! While it would be easy to draw something with chocolates and hearts everywhere, we at Kupaa decided to switch up the theme for our monthly artist challenge. So instead, we went with “tough love”!
Here we find…
ANIMATION!! Takemi entices Chihaya!
As posted on my Discord and social media, this year I'm going to be stepping back from the written-stories-accompanied-by-pics approach to my Monster Hunnies series. Instead, I'll be using that time to try things that I've been desperate to…
Teacher secretly gets cunnilingus in class
While the protag is back in Yongen-Jaya from college, he decides to swing by his old school and pay his previous homeroom teacher a visit. She must have missed his company, or else she’d never have allowed something like this to happen…
Lilith’s tongue drives Val crazy!
For this month’s Kupaa challenge, we were tasked with drawing another of our artists’ OCs. Mews and I decided to make a collab from it, featuring her lovely succubus Lilith going down on my OC Val! Mews did the lines, I did the colors.