ANIMATION!! Takemi entices Chihaya!
As posted on my Discord and social media, this year I'm going to be stepping back from the written-stories-accompanied-by-pics approach to my Monster Hunnies series. Instead, I'll be using that time to try things that I've been desperate to…

Jezebell gets intimate with Lutci
In this new episode of Monster Hunnies, it’s Halloween, and that means people dressing in costumes!
Our dear Jezebell has entered the costume contest at Lutci’s big party, but it looks like she’s backstage getting cold feet. Luckily,…

Corrupted Seki plows Eleanor!
Hey folks, I'm out of town this week, but fear not! Kamina1978 has graciously provided a kickass pic, featuring corrupted Seki fucking Eleanor silly!
Become a site member to enjoy this 2-pic set uncropped, uncensored and in HD!

Lilith’s tongue drives Val crazy!
For this month’s Kupaa challenge, we were tasked with drawing another of our artists’ OCs. Mews and I decided to make a collab from it, featuring her lovely succubus Lilith going down on my OC Val! Mews did the lines, I did the colors.

The girls enjoy a (somewhat) private moment on the beach!
With the remake right around the corner, I felt motivated to draw these ladies having some R&R at Costa Del Sol while the boys are out at the bar. The only one who knows what’s going on is Hojo, and he’s not much for sharing…

Jezebell samples Seki’s fruit
Nothing’s better on a hot day than slurping on some juicy, refreshing watermelon… At least, that’s what Jezebell seems to think as she and Seki experiment a bit. 😉
Enjoy this little freebie image! Become a site subscriber to get…
Eleanor goes down on Val!
It’s been a while since the pic set showing Val having some fun under the table with Eleanor, but let’s return to that night, shall we? Here, we see the follow-up to their activities upon returning to Val and Rose’s apartment from their…
Nalica has plans for unsuspecting Eleanor (guest artist)!
Hey folks! I'm out of town for a few days at a convention, and Kupaa was kind enough to reach out to a guest artist for this week's update!
Site members get to enjoy Kamina's fresh-made rendition of Nalica getting ready to give Eleanor "the…
Eleanor gets “tested” at her first tabletop game!
Hey folks! In this new Knockout release, our favorite redhead, Eleanor, is at her first tabletop game session! Unknown to her, two of her fellow players (Rose and Val) have secretly been talking about having a third person to play with in the…
Nalica answers the challenge!
In response to a certain Twitter post made by Hizzacked, Nalica decides to respond to her challenge. Too bad she doesn’t actually understand what “boxing” really means, but… at the very least, she has the element of surprise.
Site members…